The Ancient Tank is a unit found within the files of the game. It was used as a mounting test during Early Access (It was never released). The "Tank" has both a melee and a ranged attack, provided by the Shield Bearer and Archer respectively.
These Units are not jointed, one of the Units may die before the other one. In addition, the Archer has a high chance of falling off.
The Ancient Tank appears as a Snake Archer (Which shoots normal arrows instead of snakes and as well as have a bow different from the other bows) who uses a Shield Bearer as a Mount. If any Units are hit, the other Units may fall off.
What it does is unknown, but it can be guessed that the Shield will protect it from attacks, while the Archer fires arrows.
- The Ancient Tank and Vlad the Impaler were accidentally accessible in the first early access release build. This was quickly fixed.
- This unit has been planned for a long time, the first showcase for this unit was in October 2018 in this tweet.
- It was suspected to be coming in the Renaissance Update, but that did not turn out true.
- Its bow was in the Unit Creator.
- However, it was shortly removed.